Montessori Educational Foundation
Helping curious children
become global citizens

Montessori makes sense for everyone
A holistic approach to education allowing the child to learn with self-directed activity, hands-on education and collaborative play.
Service Learning
How to help people in our community
Universal system for teaching kids the way they naturally learn
Helping any child receive a Montessori education
Tax Deductible
Donations are Tax deductible
Buchanan Montessori Education Grant
Open Your Child's Future &
Help Others to Shape Theirs
Each child who is certified to receive an MEF Scholarship helps engage many more, expanding the possibilities for a better educated nation.
A Montessori Education Grant for Students In-Need
Opening Doors
Service Learning
Building Community
Communication Leader
Everyone is Welcome
Montessori training for people who want to guide students to a better education
Dr. Bob Teacher Training Scholarship (DBTTS)
*Teacher trainings must be approved by eligible school.
Board of Directors
Director:Jemmyn Buchanan
Secretary:Robyn Eriwata-Buchanan
Britney Peterson:Board Member
Treasurer:Elizabeth Hennessey
Board Member:Rees Bandley
The Mission of Montessori Educational Foundation is to support the development of the whole child by providing comprehensive Montessori Education in order to help students grow up to be successful global citizens; to advocate for the adoption of Montessori as a model for public and private schools; to help charitable organizations with a focus on service learning.